Undercarriage Cleaners

Bottom Feeder Undercarriage Cleaner
- Removes snow sludge and ice
- 3-8 GPM at 2000-4000 PSI
- Stainless steel rotary union and spray arms
- Two high-impact spray tips and 2 rinse fan tips

Suttner Undercarriage Cleaner
- Simple, lightweight, ergonomic design
- 3-4 GPM at a max of 3045 PSI
- Stainless steel spray head with three stationary nozzles

Mosmatic Undercarriage Cleaner
- All Stainless Steel Construction
- Adjustable Spray Deck from 0-90°
- Stabilizer Spray Nozzles for more Cleaning Impact
- Industry Best Spray Bar Rotary Union
- 3 x 6″ Flat Free Casters